
Gerald Lopez
2 min readAug 13, 2021

Communication is the imparting or exchanging of information or news, if you know how to communicate properly on a certain event or circumstance you are taken in count, your opinion is more than just information or a new, it will become something important for everyone around you.

In the work environment it should be a standard of communication, this will help an organization to keep all their objectives clear and achievable, if we send an email with no standard, it will be hard to read, instead if we abuse of any kind of communication through any channel everyone will get lost or the worst ignoring your message.

Fortunately, here on Pernix we have our very own standards for communication, and it is organized by channel: Chats, Emails, Meetings, and our Time Tracking Tool.

  1. How to communicate through Chats: our main app to manage the internal communication on chat is Slack, this tool provides channels where we can organize by project or job role, the main goal for this is to keep a close communication with the team removing all the time that takes creating an email and keeping it fast, the guidelines specific can be found here:
  2. Communication on Emails: emails are needed on situations where we need to make a formal communication, this include sharing crucial information, asking for advance assistance, creating important updates, the emails have many parts like Subject, Sender, Recipients, Copies, and so on, we need to make the most use of any element present to follow along the guidelines please refer to the link:
  3. Meetings: most of the meetings are virtual, we need to be mindful about our participation on a meeting, we always need to be on time, in case of being late you need to notify or if you will be absent, when participating on a meeting you need to keep in mind all these guidelines:
  4. Time Tracking Tool: for our time track we use Toggl this is a simple application where you can use a timer, the way it works is simple, you need to create a very descriptive but short Title and just track your time when you’re using time for that task, the tool has many options like Project tags, they can be assign to your task, also it has many other options like creating reports crucial when you’re reporting time to management, this main guidelines can be followed here:

In conclusion Pernix has an incredibly detailed and organize set of guidelines to follow when communicating with peers, but beyond that you need to be always smart when talking try to explain everything you are doing for a collective knowledge and being clean and polite when treating others.

